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Support the top management

Support the top management

Define a clear target

Design the change management plan

Align the board of management

Involve all management layers

Give the project a meaning and find the right communication messages

Discern and remove unsaid things to “clean up” the working environment

Build a transformation appropriated by all

Lead an impact analysis and know end users expectations

Capture motivations levers and identify change “facilitators”

Risk management : identify bottlenecks and obstacles (passive or active resistance, conflicts or complex relationships…). Make people take ownership of the project. Involve medium management and embark social partners

Design the organization and target processes, liaising with Human Resources

Communicate and adapt communication according to the audience (films, roadshows, webconferences…)

Measure adherence all along the project with surveys. Report results and action plans to the participants

Build the training plan, secure the level of proficiency before the go live

Implement metrics to monitor, alert and propose solutions



In Change management to help you become autonomous